HumanityOne Prayer:

Today, in whatever place I find myself and whatever the state of my being may be, I have the ability to become a better version of myself each and every day. Let us say, AMEN.


There are so many various forms of worship. These exist in all different religions and spiritual practices around the world. Worship is an essential part of the human experience, and it takes many forms. Whether it's through prayer, meditation, song, dance, or other practices, we as humans universally seek to connect with something greater than ourselves.

Some religions worship centers around specific deities. Others focus on the natural world or the universe as a whole. Some forms of worship involve rituals, offerings, and sacrifices, and still others emphasize inner reflection and personal transformation.

For example, in Hinduism, worship takes many forms, including puja, kirtan, and yoga. Puja involves offering prayers, food, and other items to a deity, while kirtan is a devotional singing practice that involves repetitive chanting. Yoga is a physical and spiritual practice that involves meditation, breathwork, and physical postures.

In Buddhism, worship is centered around the teachings of the Buddha, and meditation is a central practice. Through meditation, Buddhists aim to cultivate mindfulness and awareness, ultimately leading to enlightenment.

Native American religions often involve rituals and ceremonies that honor the natural world and its cycles. These ceremonies may involve dance, drumming, and the use of sacred herbs and plants.

In secular humanism, worship is not directed toward a divine being but rather toward humanity and the common good. This can take the form of community service, activism, and other forms of social engagement.

While these forms of worship differ in their specific practices and beliefs, they all share a singular, common goal: to connect with something greater than ourselves with the hope of finding meaning and purpose in our lives.

As we reflect on the many forms of worship that exist in the world, let us keep in mind that the diversity of human experience is something to be celebrated and honored. Let us seek to understand and appreciate the practices of others, even as we continue to cultivate our own spiritual paths.

May we all find peace and fulfillment in our quest for connection and meaning.


enjoying nature

sacred drumming

plant medicine




creative dance

“laying of hands”



teaching & learning


moving meditation

personal development
