Nestled in the old oak trees up in the mountains of Boulevard, California there exists a refuge from the chaos of the outside world…

Ascension is a universal concept that is present in many religions and spiritual practices.
Ascension is a universal concept that is present in many religions and spiritual practices. It refers to the idea of transcending the limitations of our physical bodies and reaching a higher state of consciousness. In many traditions, ascension is associated with the idea of enlightenment or awakening. It is the process of shedding our ego and connecting with our true nature, which is Divine and Infinite.
Today, as we gather to reflect on the concept of ascension let us explore also its relevance to HumanityOne. Ascension refers to the act of rising to a higher level or position. While it is a term that is often associated with religious and spiritual beliefs, its significance actually transcends these boundaries.
We look around us, and what do we see but a world filled with challenges and struggles. There is poverty, hunger, conflicts, and inequality. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless in the face of such problems, but we can remember that we have the power to rise above them.
HumanityOne is a belief that we are called to action by G-d to come together and make a positive difference in the world. This idea, however, is grounded in the belief that every human being has a sacred responsibility to do our own, individual human part to raise the vibration/frequency of the planet and, indeed, the universe. While problems of this world, like: poverty, hunger, conflicts, and inequality are not within our own, individual power to change, what is within our power to change is ourself.
This is very exciting news!
This is very exciting news! See, when we talk about ascension in the context of HumanityOne, we are talking about a shift in consciousness which naturally results in an effect in the physical world and therefore becomes a metaphysical transformation. We are talking about recognizing that our actions (and, our inactions) have consequences that extend beyond ourselves and our immediate surroundings. And, in fact, our thoughts and beliefs determine our actions (or inactions).
Ok, so… what we think and believe creates our actions, and our actions affect our immediate surroundings and beyond. Since our surroundings are part of the world, by definition our actions affect the world, and therefore our thoughts and beliefs affect the world. This PROVES our interconnectedness with all living beings and with the whole of the universe. This tells us we are all part of G-d, the Creator.
Now don’t get me wrong here. I understand this is not revolutionary. Most of us already know on some deep unconscious level, beyond language or even experience, that there is something greater than us and we are connected to it. In fact, it speaks to us personally on some level at some point in our life, and when this happens we begin to be drawn toward it/into it. We seek ways to connect with it, to understand it, even to fully merge with it.
While prayer, praise, and worship are beautiful ways to try to cultivate a connection to the Divine, we really must go beyond this.