
Our Senior Clergy and Board Chair here at HumanityOne, Adria Ross, offers a unique perspective and approach toward the stewardship of our vision. Adria’s journey to this moment is one marked by curiosity, dedication, and a deep-seated belief in personal accountability, development, and the transformative power of community.

Over two decades ago she began her journey as a Holistic Health Practitioner, specializing in Energy Medicine and becoming an Ordained Clergy member, helping people find guidance toward wellness and the mind-body-spirit connection. She was recognized by the San Diego Awards as the Best Holistic Health Practitioner in San Diego for 12 consecutive years which speaks to the value she places on dedication, resilience, and achieving results. Over the years these teachings, learnings, and experiences also led to becoming an inventor, author, teacher/educator, and filmmaker, each role offering a unique medium for finding solutions of modern societal challenges and difficulties. Prior to that she had been a 3-time California State Champion Gymnast during which time she learned discipline, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence.

Recently, her adventures have taken a more tactile turn. As part of the effort to create our HumanityOne Campus she has embraced the joys of operating a backhoe and a track loader, diving into DIY projects that range from tiling and pool restoration to concrete finishing and welding. Her hands-on approach to this project is a reflection of her belief in self-reliance, sustainable living, hard work, and faith.

Her life outside her professional and spiritual endeavors is rich with pursuits like aerial yoga, reading, embracing off-grid living, or delving into personal development and spirituality; each hobby offers a piece of the puzzle that is Adria. Her love for animals, especially dogs, mirrors her passion for all living beings and the connections that bind us.

Welcome to HumanityOne Church, where we are working toward building the vision of self-sustaining, creative learning community within which innovation, holistic healing, personal growth, spirituality and connection can be nurtured even in the midst of today’s fragmented and fast-paced world.

The intent of HumanityOne at HiPass Camp is to build a self sustaining, creative learning community in which people can come together to collaborate, invent, learn, teach, share, heal and grow in multiple ways and on multiple levels for the purpose of fulfilling our individual Sacred Responsibility toward improving the world by improving ourselves. All of us humans are imperfect and fallible. In this current culture of social activism and woke ideology, the focus can tend to be on changing the external world to create a better tomorrow. Yet, it is the inward change by which the tipping point can be reached for an improved future. Nothing is under our control except our own thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and actions. Therefore, that is where the true potential for change in this world exists. As each of us accepts this Sacred Duty as a lifestyle, despite setbacks which are inevitable and part of the process, it paves the way and makes it easier for other individuals to also step up. The effect is exponential.